History of Israel and Palestine
An Introduction to the Conflict Including Facts Often Omitted
in Popular Presentations.
"I've spent twenty-five years in the Middle East ... in no
part of the world is reporting so flawed, so biased in favor of
one country-Israel" - Robert Fisk
“It is still difficult for many to believe that a deception
of such magnitude is possible. Deceptions and false declarations
have been the standard in the politics of the powerful, and certainly
are in Israel’s policy toward the Palestinians from the start.”
- Tanya Reinhart
"When the intellectual history of this period is someday written,
it will scarcely be believable." - Noam Chomsky
"In my entire experience with American journalism, I have
never found anything as extreme, sustained, and omnipresent"
- Alison Weir
This extremely flawed reporting is especially dangerous because,
as the Sept. 11 Commission report revealed , Khalid Shaikh Mohammed,
the man who conceived and directed the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,
was motivated by his strong disagreement with American support for
Israel. This extremely flawed reporting is especially dangerous
because Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker pilot who flew into WTC,
was "most imbued actually about Israeli politics in the region
and about US protection of these Israeli politics in the region.
And he was to a degree personally suffering from that" according
to a German friend that talked with him. This extremely flawed reporting
is especially dangerous because Osama bin Laden has stated , "We
swore that America wouldn't live in security until we live it truly
in Palestine . This showed the reality of America, which puts Israel's
interest above its own people's interest. America won't get out
of this crisis until it gets out of the Arabian Peninsula, and until
it stops its support of Israel." -Osama bin Laden, October
This information is important because it relates to the topic of
terrorism. It literally is a matter of life and death.
History of Israel and Palestine is a story of politics
of the powerful. A story of how the aggressors have successfully
painted themselves as the victims. How the dominant Zionist agenda
has perpetrated so many deceptions and made so many false declarations
that the reality of their racist ideology is obscured to many in
America. As absurd as it may sound, there are people that really
can't fathom the idea that popular culture would be anything less
than an optimized conduit for truth. But it isn't and misconceptions
about Israel are part of the popular presentation of Israel. Why
do the misconceptions persist? What access is given to those that
try to shed light on unpopular truths?
"I should much
rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living
together in peace than the creation of a Jewish State." -Albert
It is unreasonable for Jews to insist on a supremacist system that
violates the rights of non-Jews. This can't possibly be too difficult
to understand. An unjust system is what the father of Zionism plotted
to impose upon the Palestinians and to drive the majority of them
from their land. It was what Israel basically is, a system of Jewish
supremacy. In fact Herzl didn't even think Jews immigrating into
Palestine would result in the desired outcome unless it was based
on supremacy!
"Immigration is consequently
futile unless based on an assured supremacy
-Herzl, the Father of Zionism 1 |
The father of Zionism
plotted ethnic cleansing and Jewish supremacy from the beginning.
Many Zionists justified ethnic cleansing as a necessary evil. Today
the ideology wraps itself in rhetoric that positions the Israeli
system as victim. The often used refrain is that critics of Zionism
are calling for Israel to be wiped out of existence with the implication
that it means literly to wipe Jews out of existence.
The insistence of every Israel supporter I have communicated with
is that ending Israeli system means Jews would be killed.
It is a shameless use of "Jews will be killed" in order
to justify the continuing injustices.
NOTE: What isn't clarified is what Israel actually is.
Israel is a system of discrimination and without that discriminatory
system Israel doesn't exist according to Zionists. Ending
the Jewish supremacist system is considered "Israel ceasing
to exist". Not that ending the supremacist system will lead
to "Israel ceasing to exist" but that ending the supremacist
system would be by definition "ending Israel".
Zionists consider the racist foundation to be an essential characteristic
of Israel without which it would not be "Israel". It would
not be "Israel" if all citizens had equal rights. What
this means is that someone cannot call for equal rights without
being accused of calling for the "destruction of Israel".
Ending the system of discrimination means that Israel ends since
Israel is a system of discrimination.
What is the root problem of the Israel and Palestine conflict?
The root problem of the Israel and Palestine conflict is that the
Jews running Israel are unwilling to allow non-Jews to have equal
rights. That is the fundamental problem and cause of the conflict.
These Jews are Zionists with the agenda to continue the Jewish supremacy
in that land. That is the cause of the conflict and why it continues.
What the Zionists basically demand is that non-Jews must accept
permanent second class status, continued discrimination and unresolved
thefts and ethnic cleansing.
The Zionists' creation of their "Jewish State" was carried
out with the crimes of rape, massacre, theft, torture, and ethnic
cleansing. As these crimes became know (actaully known in Israel
more than in the US where the crimes rarely get mentioned) the tactic
of labeling those daring to speak about these crimes as "anti-Semites"
was employed.